Joe Pappalardo’s bibliophilic return to Dallas.
You probably remember Joey Paps from his time as the editor of the Dallas Observer. No? Then perhaps you remember him as one of the plaintiffs who successfully sued the state of Texas in a First Amendment case to protect our right to photograph stuff with drones. No? His narrative history of the sunflower, which inspired Hitler’s invasion of Russia? You’re killing me here.
In any case, Pappalardo has a new book out titled Four Against the West: The True Saga of a Frontier Family That Reshaped the Nation and Created a Legend. It’s about Judge Roy Bean and his brothers. From the sizzle copy: “Using new information gleaned from exhaustive research, Joe Pappalardo’s Four Against the West is an unprecedented and vivid telling of the intertwined stories of all four Bean brothers, exploring for the first time how their relentless ambitions helped create a new America.” He’s doing an in-store tonight at 6 at Interabang. Tell him Tim sent ya.