Stories by Michael J. Mooney
Topgolf Gives New Life to an Old Game
How Dallas-based Topgolf conquered suburban entertainment—and changed the ancient sport forever.
Killer or Victim?
Jonathan Crews was shot while lying in bed in his Coppell apartment. Only Brenda Lazaro knows who pulled the trigger.
This Man Wants to Help You Die Better
Dr. Robert Fine doesn't want to save your life. He and his palliative care team at Baylor Medical Center want to preserve the quality of it.
5 Stories of Love Gone Sour, Told by Dallas’ Divorce Attorneys
We asked some of the finest family law attorneys to dish on their most memorable divorce cases.
What Happens When Your Smartphone Is Hacked
One man took a soul-crushing trip through AT&T’s customer-service maze and found out.
Stories by Michael J. Mooney
How a Dallas Patent Office Will Spur Innovation
Not to mention, unclog local courts and finally defeat the trolls taxing our society.
Leading Off 3/30/16
Ken Johnson Had Undisclosed History of Excessive Force. The Farmers Branch police officer who chased down and killed one apparently unarmed teenager and shot another in the head had two excessive force complaints as a DART officer that he did not disclose on his application with the Farmers Branch police. Johnson also had job applications rejected by the Mesquite and Arlington police for reasons that aren't clear. The family of the boy Johnson killed is also suing him and the city of Farmers Branch.
FBI Says Frisco Hospice Owner Encouraged Nurses to Kill Patients. Brad Harris, the founder of Novus Health Care Services, is accused by the FBI of telling nurses to overdose patients in an effort to maximize profits. It's complicated, since it he ran a hospice, and no charges have been filed. Harris reportedly sent a text message saying "You need to make this patient go bye-bye." How would you feel if that patient were a family member of yours?
Elementary Principal Posted Craigslist Ads Seeking Young Males. Oscar Figueroa, the now-former principal at Viridian Elementary in Arlington, is on trial in Sherman, accused of attempting to coerce or entice a minor. (He was caught in a sting.) Prosecutors showed jurors more than 100 pages of Craigslist ads Figueroa posted in the "Casual Encounters" section, using terms like: young, son, teen, kid, and boy. A witness for the prosecution said it shows Figueroa was looking for a minor. A witness for the defense said he was just using words common in the gay community.
Granbury Man Begged for Life Before Officer Killed Him. Daniel Shaver was recorded saying, "Please don't shoot me" and "Please don't shoot" before Mesa, Arizona police officer Philip "Mitch" Brailsford unloaded his service weapon. Shaver was unarmed. Brailsford has been charged with second-degree murder.
Local Man's Son Endorsed by Former Rival. Wisconsin governor and former presidential candidate Scott Walker endorsed Ted Cruz ahead of that state's upcoming primary. Meanwhile, Donald Trump's campaign manager was charged with battery on a reporter in Florida.
How the Texas Law Hawk Landed in a Super Bowl Ad
Fort Worth attorney Bryan Wilson makes such funny commercials that he's got too many clients now.
Leading Off 3/23/16
Grand Prairie Man Escapes Belgium Attacks. Rocky Gathright said he had just dropped off a friend at the airport and was pulling away when he heard a bomb go off. Two explosions, one at the Brussels airport and one at a busy metro station, killed at least 30 people yesterday and wounded at least 230 more. It's not clear if security at DFW has been amplified in any way.
Scared Politicians Say Scared Things After Attacks. Some American politicians are already suggesting the country "empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized." Which sounds to me like some people don't understand that police are already allowed to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods.
Murder Rate in Dallas Going Way Up. At this point last year, there had been a total of 24 murders in the city. This year there have already been 41, including three double murders in the last three days. Police blame drugs and domestic violence. Other people blame the police.
Hundreds Show Up To Funeral for Kholodenko Girls. There was an outpouring of grief and confusion last night as hundreds of people showed up to a Fort Worth church to remember the slain daughters of famed musician Vadym Kholodenko.
Dallas Stars Clinch Playoff Spot. Last night's 6-2 win over the Chicago Blackhawks guarantees a post-season slot. The team leads the Western conference with eight games left in the regular season.