My body has finally recovered from the one-hour time difference between Dallas and Cleveland to report that, at the annual City & Regional Magazine Association (CRMA) conference that happened over the weekend and Monday, D Magazine won two of the coveted awards at the ceremony that (mostly) closes out the affair.
(I say mostly because a large number of people congregate at the hotel bar after and then a significant, but not quite as large, number go to an offsite bar to continue celebrating each other’s accomplishments. This year it was Joe’s Little Bar & Grill, a proper townie-filled dive.)
The two very deserving winners from our number are creative director Lesley Busby, who won the Illustration and Graphics category, for work that judges said had “panache.” (And a lot of other complimentary remarks, but I wasn’t taking notes.) And Mike Piellucci, sports editor and new father, won for Online Column for his very strong work over at StrongSide. I don’t remember what the judges said about him because I was in charge of relaying results via a group text and I was making fun of how the announcer said his last name (“PIEllucci”) and didn’t realize, like an idiot, that people would take that to mean he won. And thank goodness he actually did.
We faced strong competition in the other categories, but I still think we could have come back with a couple more. Next year!