Bethany is out and about, talking to folks at polling locations. She took a picture from her car of the line at the Oak Lawn Library and put up a tweet about wait times. I had one look at that tweet and thought, “Bethany just accidentally busted the Dallas HERO folks in the act of breaking the law.” And then I thought, “LOL.”
State law says the following: “Each early voting and election day polling place must be organized with 100-foot distance markers posted at surrounding outside entrances to the building. During the voting period and inside this protected area, it is prohibited to electioneer, including expressing preference for or against any candidate, measure, or political party.” Breaking this law is a Class C misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine of up to $500.
Have a look at the pic above and notice where those two lads in blue t-shirts are standing. Those are Dallas HERO electioneers telling voters that if they vote for props S, T, and U, we’ll get more cops. I talked to someone who stood in that line just moments before Bethany snapped her pic. That’s exactly what the HERO electioneers were saying: “S, T, and U means more cops.” (Not true.) Anyway, have a look at this Google aerial shot and the line I drew on it. The door to enter the polling location is right there, facing Cedar Springs. The electioneers were standing about 60 feet from it.

To recap: the executive director who runs the law-and-order, “let’s hire more cops” thing? He broke into the U.S. Capitol during a riot that resulted in the death of five cops. And the electioneers under his directorship? They, too, are out there today, breaking the law.