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D Home Editor Jamie Laubhan-Oliver Shares a Few of Her Favorite Pick-Me-Ups

From shearling slippers to scented candles, these are the little indulgences that have kept Laubhan-Oliver centered during a challenging year.
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D Home Editor Jamie Laubhan-Oliver Shares a Few of Her Favorite Pick-Me-Ups

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Usually, there’s a bittersweet sense about closing out another year. But as we come to the end of this one, I can’t say I’m too sad about bidding farewell. There’s something to be said, though, about tough times challenging us to grow and reprioritize. I’ve learned over the course of this year that, while I can’t change my circumstances, I can change what I focus my energy and attention toward, and it’s actually been a pretty fulfilling exercise. Just like Julie Andrews sang in The Sound of Music, simply remembering my favorite things has helped me keep a smile on my face and my sanity intact.

Here are but a few:

Wood-burning fires

Angry duck quacks (follow @garyandlaxrryshow to see what I mean)

Sun tea (Thank you Dallas weather)

Incense, inside and out

Hôtel Costes Radio

Aesop hand soap

Mom’s Butterball soup (a German family recipe)

Bandanas on my pup, Bernice

Sending my husband a list of things I want on TheYes

Shearling everything (that goes for Birkenstocks, too!)

Rearranging rooms to fall in love with them all over again

Cookies from The Festive Kitchen

Caftans for cocktails

Cire Trudon candles

Yellowstone on repeat

Backyard clippings

Organized garages

Adirondack chairs

Down comforters and linen sheets

Vinyls on a record player (especially Sturgill Simpson)

Outdoor dinners on my new screened porch

Shop Laubhan-Oliver’s picks with the gallery below.
