Interior designer Doniphan Moore is known for creating timeless, textured, and edited environments. From intimate high-rises to gracious homes, Moore’s mix of the masculine and feminine creates inspirational narratives that are as diverse as they are well-dressed. In projects spanning the country, he intuitively mixes period furnishings and modern moments for unexpected spaces. Moore’s layered interiors are meticulously detailed and reflective of each individual client’s lifestyle. “True luxury exists in enjoying and lingering in one’s personal space,” Moore says. “My projects share a traditional sensibility enhanced by uncommon details curated from the owner’s way of living.” Moore’s work has been featured by Veranda, Elle Decor, and Galerie, among other outlets, and he has participated in the prestigious Kips Bay Decorator Show House Dallas.
270.993.0782 | | @doniphanpmoore
Best Designers 2024