Ellett J. Miciotto’s interest in interior design dates to his childhood, influenced by his mother who is an accomplished interior designer. “I learned from her style and artistry, growing up around her talent and working for her,” he says. In college, Miciotto began working for Ralph Lauren in Highland Park Village and later in East Hampton, New York, gaining more experience and inspiration. “Growing up, my room was decorated in his wallpaper and fabrics,” he recalls. Miciotto later founded EJM where, as the sole designer, he takes a personalized, hands-on approach with every project. His style is contemporary, looking toward the future while considering the direction of today and referencing the past. “I love the freedom interior design allows—the pleasure of creativity, the joy of art, and the expression and emotion it gives to everyone who appreciates beauty,” he says. It’s not uncommon for Miciotto and his clients to become more like collaborators. “We discuss our outlook, create a story, make selections, and anticipate the results,” he says. “It’s a one-on-one experience so we achieve our collaborative vision.”
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