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New Podcast: Author Julia Heaberlin’s Newest Mystery Explores Wide Open Spaces

Julia Heaberlin's new novel has been optioned by Fox and was adored by the Dallas Morning News. Will someone tell the New York Times?
Author Julia Heaberlin, photographed in 2018. Jill Johnson

Author Julia Heaberlin is no longer “a writer hiding in plain sight,” as we described her in 2018. She’d published her fourth book back then, and last month she published her sixth. Night Will Find You is a West Texas-set mystery that, she says, “explores that space between fact-based science and unexplained phenomena through a single character.” It features an Alex Jones-esque figure and its narrative was informed by all the questions her astrophysicist cousin graciously answered for her, including, “Do you believe in God?”

Fox has optioned it, seeing a possible multi-season series that follows the protagonist, the 28-year-old astrophysicist Vivvy Bouchet. The Dallas Morning News loved it, writing that her prose “walks the line between plain speech and poetry.” She’s on a roll, and she told us all about it on a rare return visit to EarBurner.

So, after all this momentum, why won’t the New York Times review the thing? Listen below, or on any of the streaming apps you have on your phone. Just for fun, here’s the last time Heaberlin was in our pages, in 2020, profiling an ocularist—“The Man Who Paints Souls.”


Matt Goodman

Matt Goodman

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Matt Goodman is the online editorial director for D Magazine. He's written about a surgeon who killed, a man who…