Michelin Stars
Restaurants & Bars
Meet the Winner of Our Dallas Michelin Star Prediction Pool
Deborah Astie takes home a $50 Burger House gift card for successfully predicting how Dallas would fare in the 2024 Michelin Guide.
Restaurants & Bars
Michelin Sees Texas Through a Tourist’s Eyes, for Better and Worse
Why did the Michelin Guide do so well awarding stars in Texas, but so unevenly in less prestigious categories? Because they behaved like tourists.
Restaurants & Bars
Michelin Guide Honors Wrong Dallas Restaurant, Issues Correction
The Charles got the big honor at first. But its description in the Guide was, in fact, a description of sibling restaurant Mister Charles.
Will You Guess All of Dallas’ Michelin Stars in Our Reader Prediction Pool?
Submit your best guesses for our showing in the Michelin Guide. The closest prediction will win a prize.
Michelin Stars Are Coming to Five Texas Cities This Year, Including Dallas
The Michelin Guide, a renowned and occasionally reviled compendium of top restaurants around the world, will judge restaurants in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio.