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Meet the Dallas 500: Tori Mannes, ChildCareGroup

The nonprofit CEO shares her key leadership strategies, her obsession with The Sound of Music, how her organization is “building the future every day,” and more.

Dallas-based ChildCareGroup traces its roots back to 1901 and is believed to be the first Settlement House in Texas. It began as the Clara Chaison Free Kindergarten Training School near what’s now Cedar Springs and McKinney Avenue in Uptown. Today, the organization provides comprehensive early childhood programs, taking a two-generation approach that teaches children and parents, trains early childhood professionals, and assists families. Tori Mannes has served as the nonprofit’s president and CEO since 2011. Last year, ChildCareGroup moved its corporate office to Pegasus Park. “We are honored to have been invited to join the Water Cooler project venture created by Lyda Hill Philanthropies and J. Small Investments,” Mannes says. “We’re already experiencing the benefits of being a part of this collaborative community, including participating in professional development and training programs and meeting new partners that serve children and families.”

EDUCATION: Vanderbilt University (BS)


PRIZED POSSESSION: “On my 16th birthday, I received a ring that belonged to my great-grandmother Victoria. It holds great sentimental value for me, and I have worn it almost every day since then.

DESTINATIONS OF CHOICE: “Any place with interesting history, culture and great food. Croatia is on my want-to-visit list. Closer to home, our place in the piney woods of East Texas is a great weekend getaway.”

KEY STRATEGIES: “Those I value most are passion for the mission, integrity, vision, teamwork, and servant leadership. But I also like to have some fun, so people love being at work!”

KARAOKE SONG: “Anything from The Sound of Music. I have seen the movie more than 45 times and know every line.”

CHILDHOOD DREAM: “See above. As the star of countless ‘backyard musicals’ growing up, I dreamed of being the next Julie Andrews!”

FOOD I HATE: “As a 7th-generation Texan, I’m sorry to admit that I really don’t care for red meat.”

INDUSTRY CHANGE: “The benefits and importance of quality early education and childcare are widely acknowledged, but the U.S. childcare industry is broken. My greatest wish is for systemic change to address pay inequities for early childhood educators and to ensure a quality early education for every child—regardless of zip code.”

GO-TO ADVISER: “My husband, Joe Mannes, is my best business mentor and adviser, but I am blessed also to have a great network of mentors who have been instrumental in inspiring and advising me over the years.”

I COLLECT: “Instead of things, I prefer to collect unique adventures and memories with family and friends.”

HOBBY/PASSION: “Hot yoga is my go-to stress reliever.”

MUST-LISTEN: “I love American history podcasts or anything produced by NPR.”

FUTURE FORECAST: “Ninety percent of brain development happens in the first five years of life, so we are building the future every day by nurturing and developing the minds of thousands of young children across our state. I can’t imagine a more exciting and rewarding mission!”


Christine Perez

Christine Perez

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Christine is the editor of D CEO magazine and its online platforms. She’s a national award-winning business journalist who has…